Work With Me 


Your Inner Voice Is Calling You!

Get ready to access your own intuition and stand fully in your power. Let's link arms and get ready for the most spiritual & uplifting support you've been looking for! 

Is the Goddess within you ready to remember who she really is?

If you are anything like I was, from a young age you've been taught that intellectual thinking and living is the only way to succeed.

That what makes you is the external success and approval of others.

Any spiritual gift, intuitive knowing and spiritual curiosity was always disapproved. It got you to a point of forgetting who you really are and losing touch to your greater knowing.

This way of living only led you to suppress the divine feminine energy within you.

Yet, still today and even in this moment now, something inside still flickers with excitement to release this spiritual goddess within you!

There is a knowing of you wanting and needing to tune into greater forces of intuition.

Sounds familiar?


Remembering your personal power...

It's there!

The fact that you're here on my page reading this means that you are already curious as to how all of this could work in your life. But I get that you might be a little bit skeptical. I mean, it's all a little bit out there, right?
My client told me that my guidance gave her the permission and space to explore the intuitive, empathetic, divine side of herself and you know what? She now says that she never, ever wants to be without my guidance and coaching in her life. So grateful!

She has started to remember the incredible, gifted, amazing and utterly unique being that she is and the contribution that she has to give to this planet. It's easy to imagine what could be possible for you too, is it not? 

“She's an amazing guide!”

Ichel you are an amazing guide! I am so grateful to have met you on this path. The wisdom you share opened me to a whole new world of awareness!
I love the way your guidance is tuned in our femininity and our intuitive side, helping us learn from all parts of ourselves, even our dark side! So much power and beauty! ???



“Finally doing my light!”

Ichel's guidance has allowed me to deepen my connection to my intuitive gifts and use them to co-create in both my personal life and business.
Since working with her as a coach, I'm finally able to release what's no longer serving me and step into the unknown with confidence in my ability.
Each call leaves me with a heightened awareness and sense that I'm on the right path. I no longer fear my dark edges and am learning to embrace them as I do my light. This work continues to create new openings in my life and others.


“Not your average coach!”

Ichel is not your average coach! She has an amazing gift for illuminating what is sometimes right in front of us and we are too close to see it while also relating things to the bigger picture. Her way of delivering a message is a perfect blend of what needs to be said in a clear, direct yet completely non-judgemental tone. Her calm strength shines through in her coaching and guidance.


What will our journey look like together? 

After spending most of my childhood and teenage years trying to belong, be accepted and conform, I discovered 3 powerful lessons:

  • Being unique and authentic with an open heart is an actual super power. Like for real.
  • There has always been a Goddess within, you just have to realign and remember. She's there, trust me.
  • Success looks different for everyone - don't let someone else's story become your own.

Your life, your rules.

If you're like most of my clients, you understand that each person and their needs are completely unique. At this time I currently offer 6 and 12 month coaching mentorships. 

I don't do a one size fits all coaching package. With everything I do, I listen to guidance and intuitively tailor these calls to exactly your needs at the time. These calls can be tailored to whatever you need. Card readings, spiritual guidance, or coaching.



You know deep inside that something has to change for you to be the absolute best version of yourself... so you have a choice...

You can either stay exactly where you are, making do, getting by, living a life of mediocrity that leaves you feeling ugh!

Or you can take the first steps to claiming back your personal power where anything is possible, with me as your guide every step of the way.

You can only choose one.


See What These Goddesses Have To Say

About Working With Ichel...

“Full of wisdom!”

Ichel is full of wisdom and I love her loving and caring coaching style and that she shares her experiences and wisdom so openly. She creates a sacred space where I can feel protected and can openly share my questions and emotions. Her kind guidance is always so helpful to find and keep my inner power and intuition. I am so grateful that I found her!



“Like a modern day medicine woman!”

Ichel is like a modern day medicine woman. Wise and kind, she holds a space for all of us to grow and shine. Her teachings are very deep and give room for exploration into previously completely untapped areas. Her sense of humor and willingness to be open just add to the safe feeling of the group. I am blessed to have Ichel in my life.


“Ability to speak to the soul!”

Ichel has an unique ability to speak to your soul. She is all powerful, kind and incredibly wise. I have worked with Ichel for awhile and her guidance have led me to know my personal power, my worth and deepen my connection with myself. I have literally become the best real version of me because of her.


“Universe whispers into her ear!”

I haven't been working with Ichel for long but I have been amazed at how much I gain from every session with her. It always seems like the universe whispers into her ear exactly what you needed to learn and she delivers it with warmth, grace and insight.


“Connected to her higher power!”

Ichel is a powerful and feminine human that shares her gifts to the world from the depth of her heart. She has helped me reckon my higher self by leading by example. I fully trust her to guide me through the path of life while being the most connected to her higher power.


“Intuitive coaching from the heart!”

Ichel's gift is her intuitive wisdom and coaching from the heart that helps guide you to explore and discover your personal power so that you can be the best version of your self.



Currently Accepting New Clients!

I'm grateful that you've decided to take the next step. If you're committed to your spiritual expansion, please fill out your information by clicking the button below.


Other ways to get started now! 


The Goddess Moon Circle Membership Experience


Is the goddess within you ready to remember who she really is? The Goddess Moon Circle is a year long experience to rediscover how to reconnect with your intuition to guide you life & business! Click below to learn more about our monthly new & full moon calls, goddess calls, and more!



1:1 Coaching Application

Please fill out the following to the best of your ability and
Ichel will get back to you shortly with the next steps.